Research Projects


于2012年启动的纽约居民生活质量追踪研究 (the New York City Longitudinal Survey of Wellbeing) 项目旨在了解并追踪纽约居民的生活质量及其变化。亚裔是纽约市近年来增长最快的少数族裔,目前占纽约居民的14%。在亚裔美国人中,华裔是最大的群体。从2020年开始,本研究特别扩大华裔在调查样本中所占的比例,以求更详尽地了解纽约市华裔居民的情况,更准确地描述纽约华裔移民的生活状况。


The Chinese Welfare State

Using various national household survey datasets as well as administrative data and a cross-national comparative perspective, this research aims to understand the Chinese welfare state both conceptually and empirically and places the Chinese case in the global context. 

Aging, Care & Health

This research focuses broadly on aging, care, and health among Chinese and Asian American older adults and examines the social and economic determinants of health and other outcomes of older adults.

Comparative Social Policy

Drawing from theories and empirical research, this project compares social policies and social welfare systems across Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam with those in other parts of the world such as Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Gender Inequality & Time Use

This project uses the China Family Panel Studies data to provide new evidence on the gender gap in time use among Chinese couples in both urban and rural areas. It also investigates whether education helps narrow the gender gap in time use among Chinese couples.

Migration & Child Development

This research draws on several large-scale surveys on families and children in China to examine the consequences of migration for children.

Poverty & Social Assistance

This research investigates the causes and consequences of poverty and assesses the effectiveness of social assistance policies and programs in addressing poverty in China as well as in other countries such as South Korea and Vietnam.

Study of Asian American Families

The Study of Asian American Families (SAAF) aims to investigate the acculturation and childrearing experiences of Asian American families and advocate for social services to meet their needs.



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Columbia Affiliations
China Center for Social Policy